Abounding in Hope

If you’re like me, chances are, you have had your ups and downs when it comes to hope. So much of life is waiting. Waiting for something to come or waiting for hardships to end. In the midst of the waiting, that ray of hope can be the light we so often need to persevere. However, there are times it ...

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Spiritual Strength

An essential component of positive psychology is the focus on strengths versus weaknesses. What I find appealing about this is that it is an exception to the problem saturated, damaged model approach that is often at the forefront in addressing psychological and spiritual distress. Of course, our ...

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The Search for the Meaning of Life

The search for meaning in life refers to the idea that individuals are strongly motivated to find meaning in their lives, that is, to be able to understand the nature of their personal existence, and feel it is significant and purposeful. No one can tell the actual definition of the meaning of ...

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Why Is Hope So Important?

There is a verse in the Bible that directly speaks to the importance of hope. Why is so hope so important one may ask? Does having hope really matter? Is there a justification for having hope? According to Scripture there is reasonable explanation for the importance of hope in our lives. Proverbs is ...

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Why Positive Thinking Matters

Welcome to 2023! Whether it feels hard to believe or a long time coming, a hard transition or a welcome one, a new year hopefully means change, growth, and hope. This year at SureHope, our blogs will have a new theme! You might know that last year our focus was on core wounds. This year, we are ...

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