Lament: The Bridge Between Despair and Hope

Everyday of our lives we encounter a series of choices. Some are easy “no brainer” types of choices like putting on a jacket while heading out the door during a harsh winter. While other choices are not so easy such as what career to pursue or who to marry. Other decisions involve the stance we take ...

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The Benefits of Positive Thinking

How many times have we heard the familiar phrases,” “You are what you eat” or “Look at the glass half full instead of half empty.” Both imply that positive thinking influences one’s ability to have a positive perspective on life.  Furthermore, the Bible also echoes this sentiment, “Finally, brothers ...

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The Unseen Force of Hope

There is a hidden engine that drives us forward. Without it, we falter and lose momentum. It serves as the basis for motivation and achievement, but more importantly, for enduring hardship. That engine is hope. It is one of the most powerful, unseen forces we experience. I know I have been guilty ...

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Abounding in Hope

If you’re like me, chances are, you have had your ups and downs when it comes to hope. So much of life is waiting. Waiting for something to come or waiting for hardships to end. In the midst of the waiting, that ray of hope can be the light we so often need to persevere. However, there are times it ...

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Why Is Hope So Important?

There is a verse in the Bible that directly speaks to the importance of hope. Why is so hope so important one may ask? Does having hope really matter? Is there a justification for having hope? According to Scripture there is reasonable explanation for the importance of hope in our lives. Proverbs is ...

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