For some, reflecting on the past seems like a waste of time. After all, that was then, this is now. The present is what matters and what can be done now. What is done is done, time to move on. Well, you may be done with the past but what if the past is not done with you? Often the choices we make, ...
Are You a Good Complainer?
At first glance complaining appears to be nothing but negative. If someone were to put a glass of water in front of you filled up halfway, what would you see? Would you see a glass half empty, or would you see a glass half full? As you know the half empty perspective is considered pessimistic. This ...
Lament: The Bridge Between Despair and Hope
Everyday of our lives we encounter a series of choices. Some are easy “no brainer” types of choices like putting on a jacket while heading out the door during a harsh winter. While other choices are not so easy such as what career to pursue or who to marry. Other decisions involve the stance we take ...
The Definition of Happiness
The nature of happiness, and how to obtain it, has been a debated topic for centuries. The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy brings some clarity to opposing sides of this issue. From one perspective emphasis is placed on our psychological state. Here pleasure is an essential ingredient to our ...
Finding Meaning in our Daily Lives
What is my purpose in life? This is a common question and it makes sense that it would be at the forefront of our minds. Discovering purpose is what motivates us, it is what adds substance to our otherwise mundane lives. And while there may be an overarching purpose in one’s life I would like to ...