Teaching Teens to Lament

Our initial reaction to teens needing to learn how to lament may be incredulity. What do teenagers need to lament about? What significant loss could they be experiencing that would benefit from deep processing and require healing? I agree that not all teens may be experiencing intense grief and loss ...

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What Do I Lament?

Lamenting is defined as expressing sorrow, mourning, or regret and we commonly see expressions of lament through the experience of death, sickness, or a broken heart. The loss of a loved one, the news of a terminal or painful illness, or the end of a relationship is a clear trigger for lamenting and ...

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Finding the Courage to Change

While helping struggling people, I have come to recognize that part of my work is helping people find courage. A newfound courage that they are no longer stuck in their old ways and they can indeed face the challenges in front of them. People would think that once we see a clear path to recovery we ...

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