Jesus, Rest, Trauma, and the Enneagram

Jesus, Rest, Trauma, and the Enneagram As a trauma therapist in a Christian Counseling practice, I see people struggling in their spirituality. While I am no expert on the Enneagram, I see people come into the office and let me know what their “type” is. The Enneagram has been popular for many ...

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How to Form Healthy Habits

Watch the episode below to see WCNC's Charlotte Today show interview Mike Vaughn on how to form healthy habits!   Mike ...

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How do I talk to my child about suicide?

How do I talk to my child about suicide? This week kicks off National Suicide Prevention Week. As parents and caregivers, talking about suicide to your children can feel daunting or uncomfortable. There are many myths and incorrect information about mental health and suicide and leaving it up to ...

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Why is My Past So Important in Therapy?

It is an important question.  Why is my past so important in therapy?  Is there any value going back into childhood?  I have made peace.  My issues are about today! Exploring the past is very important in most cases to be able to address the issues of the here and now.  The past is what forms ...

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