Is It Grumbling or Lamenting?

“God is our refuge and strength, An ever-present help in trouble. Therefore, we will not fear, though the earth give way And the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, Though its waters roar and foam And the mountains quake with their surging.” Psalm 46:1-3   Psalm 46 opens with ...

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Lament: The Bridge Between Despair and Hope

Everyday of our lives we encounter a series of choices. Some are easy “no brainer” types of choices like putting on a jacket while heading out the door during a harsh winter. While other choices are not so easy such as what career to pursue or who to marry. Other decisions involve the stance we take ...

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Lamenting Through a Divorce

When newlyweds promise “I do” at the altar, the thought of divorcing in the near or distant future is not a potential scenario most partners imagine. However, with the divorce rate holding at about 35-50% for first marriages, ...

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What Do I Lament?

Lamenting is defined as expressing sorrow, mourning, or regret and we commonly see expressions of lament through the experience of death, sickness, or a broken heart. The loss of a loved one, the news of a terminal or painful illness, or the end of a relationship is a clear trigger for lamenting and ...

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The Grief Process

“Grief turns out to be not a state but a process. Grief is like a winding road where any bend may reveal a totally new landscape.” C.S. Lewis Grief is a word that many of us are intimately acquainted with because we live in this world, and many of us have experienced loss in some way, shape, or ...

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