Are You a Good Complainer?

At first glance complaining appears to be nothing but negative. If someone were to put a glass of water in front of you filled up halfway, what would you see? Would you see a glass half empty, or would you see a glass half full? As you know the half empty perspective is considered pessimistic. This ...

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Positive Psychology – Altruism

As the year comes to a close it is amazing to see how during this time of the year traits of altruism tend to increase more than any other time of the year.  It is a time to celebrate the greatest gift, the birth of Christ, and to model the selfless life Christ modelled for us all.  Whether you are ...

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The Benefits of Positive Thinking

How many times have we heard the familiar phrases,” “You are what you eat” or “Look at the glass half full instead of half empty.” Both imply that positive thinking influences one’s ability to have a positive perspective on life.  Furthermore, the Bible also echoes this sentiment, “Finally, brothers ...

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The Unseen Force of Hope

There is a hidden engine that drives us forward. Without it, we falter and lose momentum. It serves as the basis for motivation and achievement, but more importantly, for enduring hardship. That engine is hope. It is one of the most powerful, unseen forces we experience. I know I have been guilty ...

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What Increases Positivity?

An optimistic attitude and our well-being (mental, emotional, physical, spiritual) are intimately connected. Many studies today have found that a positive attitude improves outcomes and life satisfaction and strengthens the immune system. People who practice positive thinking are perhaps more ...

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