This year at SureHope, we have been focusing on what core wounds are and how to identify them. It is true that wounds are critical to the understanding of who we are as individuals. God reveals them to us so that we can receive healing. There is another layer to our wounds and that is how they ...
Core Wound: I Am Incapable
The core wound of “I am incapable” can cover many areas of life. For instance, there can be a belief that one is incapable of love, incapable of achieving, incapable of being known, incapable of intimacy, incapable of making decisions, incapable of fulfilling a role. It may mirror what’s known as ...
Core Wound: I Am Not Safe
When John was a child, his father would come home from a night of drinking, angry and volatile. During those times neither John nor his sisters would know what to expect. He could be verbally and physically abusive to them. John remembers hiding behind the couch one night when he heard his dad’s car ...
Core Wound – “I Am Weak or Powerless”
How did you feel, just reading the title of this blog post? Has this ever been you? Has this been your story for some time? If you’ve been following along in our core wounds series, you’ll know that we have been exploring the beliefs about ourselves that have developed and prevented us from growing ...
Communication Problems in Marriage – Get past the Roadblocks
Communication Problems in Marriage – Get past the Roadblocks Maybe while dating communication was so easy. Maybe while dating there were some issues but you two could get through them. Now, it is a different story. Communication problems in marriage is one of the top complaints of couples ...