The Unseen Force of Hope

There is a hidden engine that drives us forward. Without it, we falter and lose momentum. It serves as the basis for motivation and achievement, but more importantly, for enduring hardship. That engine is hope. It is one of the most powerful, unseen forces we experience. I know I have been guilty ...

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Savoring: The art of reducing stress and increasing joy

Recently I was with a colleague, and they said to me, “I just want to stop and savor this for a minute. I would not have thought to do that. I am not sure about you but I have not been very good at savoring the big and small moments of my life. There have been many of these moments to be sure, but ...

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Christmas-New Year’s and Core Wounds

In my work with clients through the years, I have learned that the essence of most core wounds is value and worth. When we experience trauma and other negative events (especially in childhood) we are often injured at the level of our worth. What this means is that we experience ourselves as less ...

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Core Wounds and Relationships

This year at SureHope, we have been focusing on what core wounds are and how to identify them. It is true that wounds are critical to the understanding of who we are as individuals. God reveals them to us so that we can receive healing. There is another layer to our wounds and that is how they ...

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Core Wound: I Am Not Safe

When John was a child, his father would come home from a night of drinking, angry and volatile. During those times neither John nor his sisters would know what to expect. He could be verbally and physically abusive to them. John remembers hiding behind the couch one night when he heard his dad’s car ...

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