Lament: A Pathway to Forgiveness

As Christians, we know that we are to forgive, although it is not always easy. The scripture that usually comes to mind regarding forgiveness, is Peters question to Jesus, how many times to forgive a brother who sins against us, and Jesus’ response, we must forgive seven times seventy (Matthew ...

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Lamenting: A Pathway to Restoration after Sexual Sin

A Look at King David's Lament after his Sexual Sin with Bathsheba For the past 25 years I have ministered and provided counseling to men helping restore them to God and their families as both a Pastoral Counselor and now has a Professional Counselor. Sexual Sin is at an all-time high today in the ...

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Lamenting Through a Divorce

When newlyweds promise “I do” at the altar, the thought of divorcing in the near or distant future is not a potential scenario most partners imagine. However, with the divorce rate holding at about 35-50% for first marriages, ...

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Positive Psychology – Altruism

As the year comes to a close it is amazing to see how during this time of the year traits of altruism tend to increase more than any other time of the year.  It is a time to celebrate the greatest gift, the birth of Christ, and to model the selfless life Christ modelled for us all.  Whether you are ...

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Core Wound – I Am Undesirable 

This year at SureHope, we have focused on core wounds. One that has yet to be covered is the wound that assumes “I am undesirable.” This wound, like the others, originates from a specific event or time in life where great shame beliefs or narratives formed a view of self. Often, it is most ...

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