Denying Your Core Wounds and The False Self

Denying your core wounds helps to create your false self. Facing and healing from your core wounds helps your true self come alive. The False Self  is the self we create to cover up our deficiencies that come from our core wounds  that causes  the shame  we may feel because what those core wounds ...

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Core Wound: I Am Unknown

As humans we desire to be known and connected intimately and deeply to others. This is evident in our evolution and integral in our psychological needs. We can see this in Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, which depicts a five tier model of human needs in a hierarchical fashion. From the bottom of the ...

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Core Wound: My Life is Insignificant

As humans, we long for our lives to be deep, meaningful, and impactful. God designed it to be this way, as we read in the very first chapter of Genesis. God gave Adam dominion over the creatures on the earth, and said to “be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion ...

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Core Wound: I Am Incapable

The core wound of “I am incapable” can cover many areas of life. For instance, there can be a belief that one is incapable of love, incapable of achieving, incapable of being known, incapable of intimacy, incapable of making decisions, incapable of fulfilling a role. It may mirror what’s known as ...

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I Am Unworthy: The Betrayed Female Partner

The core wound, “I am unworthy” may be triggered by various circumstances in one’s life however, in the following it will be addressed from the perspective of a sexually betrayed female partner. The crisis of sexual addiction in society today affects many men and women unfortunately. When a betrayed ...

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